RoadCem solves soil stabilisation problems where other products fail
RoadCem is a patented additive used to enhance cement based soil stabilisation. It is an inert blend of Noble and non-Noble metals, together with synthetic zeolites which combine to give a catalytic reaction to the cement hydration, enabling the formation of needle like crystalline structures within the bound materials. RoadCem is defined as a ‘Nano Technology’ because its effects can only be seen with the aid of a high powered microscope – whilst its performance benefits can be more readily seen in its superior strength and flexural stiffness.
Cement soil stabilisation allow in-situ soils of any type to be bound to create a stiffened, highly durable layer to replace imported aggregate often used as the base component for haul roads, site compounds and working platforms for heavy plant and equipment. RoadCem soil stabilisation can be designed to meet the highest of loading and durability requirements.
With its high flexural stiffness and strength RoadCem has been used worldwide for road construction and uniquely it can be used without any wearing course or running surface, making it totally recycleable when used for temporary works.
These unique qualities provide important construction advantages over alternative soil stabilisation methods:
- Crack free, high strength, single layer stabilisation providing durable and robust surfacing .
- Improved thermal response properties, reducing frost and weather damage.
- Enables soil stabilisation to be carried out on site in any weather, hot, cold, and wet weather.
- Flexible not brittle, increased stiffness and impact resistance.
- RoadCem can treat all soil types, reducing the depth of site excavation and volumes of material to be stripped, as well as enabling stabilisation at your existing site levels.
- The proven dynamic absorption properties of RoadCem soil concrete allow easy, fast, safe piling.
- Maintenance free with no wearingcourse or surface protection required to ensure longevity.
- 100% recycleable, enables fast economic reinstatement, with nothing to be removed from site.
- A typical 250mm RoadCem bound soil layer can achieve 3,000 MPa without risk of cracking.
RoadCem – ‘Soil Stabilisation’ Explained
Soil stabilisation involves the mixing of a ‘binder’ (cement or lime) into the in-situ soils. The more binder which is added the more strength is gained by the soils. Every soil is different and therefore requires differing %’s of binder; as a consequence, site soil sampling and laboratory testing are needed to determine the most appropriate binder mix to achieve stabilisation.
Stabilisation of the in-situ, (on site), soils produces a strengthened layer for temporary or permanent applications.
Temporary applications form the majority of our projects, enabling the construction of site compounds, access tracks, haul roads and working platforms with the in-situ subsoils – effectively stabilising them into a strong, durable layers without the need for quarried aggregates or geosynthetics to be used. This technique is used within a wide range of civil construction projects such as transport infrastructure, utilities pipelines and onshore power cable routes.
Permanent applications are often built off our temporary stabilisation layers offering a reduction in aggregate import for capping and sub-base foundations and a related reduction in excavation depths and waste soil exports.
Benefits to Soil Stabilisation
Using RoadCem with any cementitious soil stabilisation project will have added benefits with respect to strength and flexural stiffness of the stabilised layer. However, RoadCem also allows stabilisation of soils which might otherwise not be considered as suitable for stabilisation.
- Soils with high organic contents > 2%
- High sulphate bearing soils >2% TPS
- Over wet and high plasticity soils
- Complex sites with a variety of soils
You may be unfamiliar with soil stabilisation and have many questions you would like answers to. A good starting point is to scroll through our list of FAQ’s to see if it helps you. If not we are always happy to take your call and discuss further.
Temporary soil stabilisation has a wide range of applications as illustrated in the Case Studies section below. Additional technical information and reference technical papers and reports on RoadCem stabilisation can also be found under the Additional Information tab below.
UK heavy clays and glacial till deposits are notorious for having high sulphate contents. See how RoadCem soil stabilisation can mitigate any secondary swelling of such soils – Mitigation of Sulphate Heave in Cement Stabilised Soils – Coventry University Sept 2020 –
For the A to Z of all things RoadCem see the original manual explaining why RoadCem soil stabilisation offers a unique, sustainable, low cost alternative to traditional temporary works construction.
The use of soil stabilisation as part of the permanet works is often an overlooked concept. A RoadCem stabilised layer can provide a robust, high performance foundation for roads, car parks and under concrete slabs – allowing for the elimination or reduction in the thickness of the granular capping and sub-base layers. See our Case Studies and Additional Information below.
See how Stabilised Pavements Limited used RoadCem to allow the in-situ recycling of a coal tar road to provide a stong and durable foundation layer. SPL Rehabilitation – Darlington
Watch this youtube video to see how RoadCem is used in the permanent works construction of a major highway in South America
NIBE LCA Report – This report compares the LCA of a permanent road constructed with traditional Vs. a RoadCem stabilised foundation. The sustainability benefits of using RoadCem are apparent for all to see.
UK heavy clays and glacial till deposits are notorious for having high sulphate contents. See how RoadCem soil stabilisation can mitigate any secondary swelling of such soils – Mitigation of Sulphate Heave in Cement Stabilised Soils – Coventry University Sept 2020