ConcreCem Nano additive for adding durability to concrete performance
Essentially, we at PowerCem love to tackle durability. The durability of PowerCem products reduce the high costs associated with maintenance and repairs. To improve concrete resilience to degradation, PowerCem creates nanomaterials with a size range below 20 nm (0.02 microns), delivering chemical functionality increases long term durability. Materials with a sub 20 nm particle size […]
Swell testing for High Sulphate Mercia Mudstones
At PowerCem we believe in durability. Recent independent testing showed that after 28 days our Zeolite based RoadCem soil stabilisation product reduced swell to negligible levels and reached a respectable 168 CBR after 28 days in soak when treating Mercia Mudstone tunnel arisings with a TPS of 3.5. (see results chart below) Swell testing Whilst […]
Piling Mat design with RoadCem
Piling Mat design In all piling projects the stability of the plant is key and as such, a suitably designed piling mat is essential if the works are to be executed in a safe and controlled manner. It is particularly important that the working platform does not deteriorate or suffer from any movement and/or […]
ConcreCem reduces porosity in concretes
ConcreCem : Essentially, we at PowerCem with all our products improve durability. Adding just a small amount ConcreCem increases durability and reduces the high costs associated with maintenance and repairs. The key source of structural failure in construction materials, comes from porosity. Pores cause cracks, structural failure and enables the penetration of corrosive and harmful […]
A photo is worth a thousand words
A photo is worth a thousand words, as this photo looks very boring. Perhaps a few words are needed on this occasion. You are looking at a RoadCem stabilised soil road being crushed back to soil. The site is an agricultural field and the in-situ alluvium top soils have been stabilised to a depth of […]
RoadCem reduces permeability in soil stabilisation
There have been many posts explaining why the improved density of RoadCem soil stabilisation improves stiffness and reduces risk of cracking. We have never though mentioned how RoadCem increases impermeability. A factor of growing importance in these days of extreme weather where protection from flooding and storage of water will become more critical. Attached is […]
Running rings around your competitors
Working sustainably and protecting the environment does not necessarily mean loosing business to your competition. At PowerCem we manufacture products that will help you reuse and recycle all types of soils and materials even contaminated to form cost effective, durable foundation elements that can outlast and outperform imported crushed stone layers. A quick call to […]
Specialist Soil Stabilisation technology for Water Companies
Working with Water Utilities
Latest RoadCem Brochure
RoadCem Soil Stabilisation 07-23
Circular Economy
The Circular Economy Quite simply the circular economy requires three essential elements: Reducing raw material use Reducing waste to landfill Extending product life In construction ground and foundation works the circular economy differs from the traditional linear economy, where primary virgin materials are extracted from the ground, trucked to construction sites, and used, before being […]